Sorlov.PowerShell – v4.0.0.0

Code have been split into several modules again due to popular demand (let’s you minimize size and use only the parts of the library that you wan’t). The installer will only install Sorlov.PowerShell.Core and others can be downloaded using Get-LatestVersion. Probably this will have some improvements over the near future with some “add-remove-feature-feature”. All versions have been harmonised to to make it simple to determine the state of components. Release-notes will be written on a per-product basis. Documentation is in progress meanwhile some cmdlets may be moved around pending it’s final structure, expect additional modules to be released soon (moved from Core that is)

Sorlov.PowerShell.Core – The core parts, common code etc. Must always be present.
Sorlov.PowerShell.SelfHosted – Lets you create and package stand-alone exe files from .ps1 files
Sorlov.PowerShell.MicrosoftOffice – Create and manipulate word and excel documents
Sorlov.PowerShell.Security – For now certificate management (much more planned around PKI)
Sorlov.PowerShell.SCSClient – Supports the Script Server repository for powershell (Experimental)

To install just run the installer, if you are moving from a older version you must run the Get-LatestVersion two times with restart in-between as a very old error was made visible and made the upgrade stop if performed in one step. The installer and older documentation can be found on the “PowerShell Projects” in the right-side menu.