New release of Sorlov.PowerShell

Did some restructuring again and some more modifications.

Major news are that Sorlov.PowerShell.OfficeAutomation.dll now is deprecated and no-longer maintained. All Cmdlets have instead been moved into Sorlov.PowerShell.Core.dll as it nolonger have any external dependencies.

You now have two routes availiable if you are working with Word/Excel files with the library:

Using Automation (requires Word/Excel but have more features): Out-Word, Out-Excel, Import-ExcelWorkbook, ConvertFrom-Word, ConvertFrom-Excel

Not using Automation (does not require Word/excel but not as feature complete): Out-OWord, Out-OExcel, Import-OExcelWorkbook

If you try to invoke automation commands where no automation is availiable you will get a error.

To help with making code that works as seamless as possible two automatic aliases have been introduced to help you automatically bind to best version: ConvertTo-Excel and ConvertTo-Word which on startup selects best version. The aliases are only loaded if you are using the state-saving Engine (default when using the full kit).